Changes on the site during 2000
See the what's new page for recent updates.
December 2000
flooding information, and photos.
December 2000
Links section
November 2000
& Leisure section updated.
12 November
More comments. Eating & Drinking Guide updated
(Palm Court).
7, 8 and 9
November 2000
Flooding in Maidenhead - news pages.
6 November
New web site, Rosemary Lettings - short term quality lettings in Cookham Dean. Another book in the
bookshop - Three days in May, from
the Maidenhead Millennium Photography Project.
30 October
@Harry's - new internet web cafe opened in Maidenhead town centre. Town
centre map updated.
29 October
Eating &
Drinking Guide - Ocean Village updated.
14 October
Updates to sports & leisure section.
10 October
Eating &
Drinking Guide update - The Bell (Maidenhead).
8 October 2000
Eating &
Drinking Guide update - Smokey Joes, Blackwood
Arms, Bel and the Dragon, Mondellos restaurant. More local links too.
15 September
News - Maidenhead's 8-screen UCI cinema opens today.
13 September
Update on the fuel shortages in the town.
12 September
News - fuel shortages in the town.
9 September
More comments.
7 September
Bookshop and sports and leisure section updated.
Links updated. Find a home section also updated.
30 August 2000
Eating &
Drinking guide - Alfonsos restaurant, Shire
Horse and Smokey Joes updated.
29 August 2000
Eating &
Drinking guide - update on The Bell, Maidenhead.
Advertising section updated.
27 August 2000
News - travellers on land near a school, more photos added.
25 August 2000
News updated - travellers on land near a school.
12 August 2000
More comments.
8 August 2000
Eating &
Drinking Guide update - The Blackwood Arms.
29 July 2000
& Leisure section updated. Eating & Drinking Guide
updated with visitor reviews for Bel & The Dragon, The Blackwood Arms
and Farmers Boy.
23 July 2000
Links section
and business directory updated.
15 July 2000
The Bridge House review in the Eating
& Drinking Guide. More comments.
15 July 2000
More comments.
2 July 2000
Updates to sports & leisure section and find a home section. More links.
29 June 2000
Even more comments....thanks everyone!
27 June 2000
More comments. News item on Shoppenhangers fire
updated. Eating & drinking guide
updated, with Bar Metro review and photo. Mama Rosa, The Horns and the
Waggon and Horses also reviewed. Also new Bar Soviet, Flood & Firkin
and Chicagos photos.
23 June 2000
Business directory
launched, a directory of local businesses, with free entries for most
businesses. Nearly 50 categories and set to grow.
20 June 2000
News section updated - fire at Shoppenhanger's Manor.
18 June 2000
New link in links section.
17 June 2000
More comments.
15 June 2000
Two new local council news items.
14 June 2000
New link in links section.
11 June 2000
Maidenhead Carnival
photo special. See Saturday's activities.
5 June 2000
Maidenhead Carnival
guide - all the details including maps and
timetables for this year's carnival.
4 June 2000
Blackwood Arms closes - eating & drinking guide.
And Sports & Leisure section - link for WAMDSAD's web site.
29 May 2000
Town Centre Manager added to the information section.
27 May 2000
More comments. Addition of comments for the Waggon & Horses pub in the eating
& drinking guide.
22 May 2000
More comments. Horse and Groom restaurant review in the eating & drinking guide.
14 May 2000
& leisure section updated. Shire Horse
and Sun & Stars pubs updated in the Eating & Drinking Guide.
10 May 2000
More comments.
26 April 2000
Another customer site is opened - Archis
Architects. New links. Yet more comments.
21 April 2000
More comments.
9 April 2000
Eating &
Drinking Guide - Alfonso's, The Barley Mow,
Swan Vaults, The Bird in Hand, The Queen Victoria and Jasmine Restaurant
5 April 2000
New section - Sahara Marathon Run - a local runner raises money for charity with a desert marathon
run - regular update reports. Links updated.
3 April 2000
More comments.
1 April 2000
More comments and links. Also Sports & Leisure section updated.
27 March 2000
Eating &
Drinking - review for The Fish at Bray.
27 March 2000
island site latest photos added as a virtual
tour. Air travel section added - how to get
to and from the nearest airports. Eating & Drinking - photos added for Heroes, Francescos, The Bell and Palm Court.
History page on BJs updated, tour updated to show Grenfell Park.
22 March 2000
Eating &
Drinking Guide updated - Crooked Inn and
The Horns added.
18 March 2000
Eating &
Drinking Guide updated - Thames Hotel restaurant
14 March 2000
Carnival area for this year's carnival. Plus more comments.
12 March 2000
More links, comments and some new stuff in the
eating & drinking section - photos for Mondello and Hanks restaurants;
photo and review for Cafe-Cafe in Queen Street.
11 March 2000
Extended reviews for Eating & Drinking guide - the Dumb Bell, the Golden Ball and the Chef Peking restaurant.
More links.
9 March 2000
More complimentary comments from our visitors.
5 March 2000
Accommodation area updated - The Inn On The Green added.
Eating & Drinking
section updated, review for Morrisons restaurant; review for Bull Inn;
new photos for BB's cafe, Giardino Cafe and Macari's; and official web
site link added.
27 February
Find-a-home section updated - sell or buy your East Berkshire home.
24 February
Eating &
Drinking Guide updated - The Bear.
20 February
& Leisure section updated.
16 February
Eating &
Drinking Guide updated with more location
maps and some history on the Farrier restaurant, which was once a pub
called the Shepherds Hut.
14 February
Eating &
Drinking Guide launched - with reviews of
over 120 of the area's pubs, restaurants, bars, clubs and cafes. Includes
photos, location maps, recommended establishments, address and telephone
numbers. See also press release.
11 February
Pub guide
updated (Hinds Head), Maidenhead Mailing List updated, links updated.
29 January
Accommodation area updated.
26 January
History section updated, more visitor comments, council information added to.
21 January
Train travel section updated.
15 January
Links updated.
3 January 2000
General post-Christmas tidy up.
Note that earlier
changes are recorded on separate pages: 1999, 1998.