Business directory - Business directory |
Welcome to the Business directory The directory lists only local businesses and gives relevant local results - so you can choose a local supplier, saving travel costs and time - and supporting the local economy at the same time.
The business directory was the first local business directory on the web and is the only one to allow the businesses themselves to update their entries on-line - so the entries are likely to be accurate and up to date. The Business directory currently contains 1836 entries in 221 categories and was last updated on Thu 30 Jan 2025 at 08:49. If you own or know of a local business that is not listed here, see below for how to get listed - free of charge.
Adding businesses to the directory Would you like to add a business? To add a business simply click on the appropriate category on the left and then select Add new entry. Only businesses operating in the Maidenhead area are accepted. Can't find a category? If there is no appropriate category, let us know here and we will add one. Be sure to read the terms and conditions before listing a business. Enhanced entries include a larger text area, coloured box, link to your website and email address and other benefits at just £ 55.00 per year - see examples page. Customer Comment"Just wanted to say thanks, the ad I have got with you [1 month ago] has paid for itself, I asked a customer the other day and they said they found me from" Business directory Enhanced entry customer, 24 October 2010 |