Languages Courses & Schools - Business directory - Languages Courses & Schools

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Languages Courses & Schools category - businesses in and around Maidenhead, Berkshire. Return to the Business directory.

English Learn Edit
  English tuition to speakers of other languages
Address: 8 Highgrove Park, Maidenhead, SL6 7PQ
Location map (Google Maps - opens a new browser window)
Tel: 01628 788760 Mobile: 07917 304199
Contact: Julia Kitley
Open: Mon-Fri 8.30-6
Cercle des Amis Edit
  After-school French club for children aged 3-11 years old
Address: 19 Larchfield Road, Maidenhead, SL6 2RZ
Tel: 01628 673016
  ESOL Skills for Life - Group or individual lessons
Address: All Saints Area - Maidenhead
Tel: 07530438841
Open: Mon-Fri 10am-8pm - Weekends on request
English Speech and Grammar Schooling Edit
  One to one and small group English as a foreign language lessons for all ages.
Address: 18, The Croft, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 4BA
Location map (Google Maps - opens a new browser window)
Tel: 07713879163
Contact: Susie
Open: 7 days a week

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The business directory was last updated 30-Jan-2025