Drains & Pipe Cleaning

Maidenhead.net - Business directory - Drains & Pipe Cleaning


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Drains & Pipe Cleaning category - businesses in and around Maidenhead, Berkshire. Return to the Business directory.

Drain & Able Edit
  24-hour, seven-day-a-week, locally based independent family drainage business. Guaranteed arrival. All telephone calls answered personally. No call-out or hidden charges. Sinks, urinals, toilets, baths, soakaways, storm drains, foul water drains, downpipes, CCTV surveys, full drain repair service and structural assessment. Fully insured. All drainage work carried out to a very high standard. A professional, friendly, punctual and reliable service with competitive rates. Call Kevin or Diane any time.
Approved Buy with Confidence member/Trading Standards member - please see our website for further details.
Address: 124 Grovelands Road, Reading, RG30 2PD
Location map (Google Maps - opens a new browser window)
Tel: 0118 957 6244 Fax: 0118 956 7416 Mobile: 07795 598207
Contact: Kevin or Diane
Website: Drain & Able
Email: info@drainandable.co.uk
Xtreme Maintenance Ltd Edit
  No Drain Too Deep, Too Dark or Too Dirty. Fixed Rate. Emergency Services
Address: Maidenhead, SL6 4RE
Location map (Google Maps - opens a new browser window)
Tel: 01628783664 Mobile: 07943606053
Contact: Daniel/ Trisha
Your Drains Ltd Edit
  24 hour emergency drainage and plumbing services
Address: 13, Bobmore Lane, SL7 1JF
Location map (Google Maps - opens a new browser window)
Tel: 01628 481606 Mobile: 07584121150
Contact: Shaun bennett
Open: 24 hour

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The business directory was last updated 28-Oct-2024