Childminders & Creches - Business directory - Childminders & Creches

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Childminders & Creches category - businesses in and around Maidenhead, Berkshire. Return to the Business directory.

Lucy Richardson's Childminding Edit
  OFSTED registered childminder. Full/Part time and occasional drop off welcome.
Address: Maidenhead
Tel: 01628 780 562
Contact: Lucy Richardson
kidz korner Edit
  ofsted registered childminder
Address: windsor, berks
Tel: 01753841602
Contact: jane king
Open: 7-7
childminder Edit
  ofsted childminder
Address: bray, maidehead, SL6 2EL
Location map (Google Maps - opens a new browser window)
Tel: 01628 633896 Mobile: 07758 250421
Open: m w f 8 - 6 tues & thurs 8-4
Denise Price Chilminder Edit
  Ofsted registered childminder
Address: Maidenhead
Tel: 07774061279
Contact: Denise
Open: full or part time vacancies available
Jenny McGuckian Childminding Edit
  Fun, educational, home from home
Address: Central Maidenhead, near Waitrose
Tel: 07703023473
Contact: Jenny
Bailey's Bambinos Edit
  Laura bailey ofsted registered childminder
Address: woodcote cannon lane, maidenhead, berkshire, SL63PH
Location map (Google Maps - opens a new browser window)
Tel: 01628822468 Mobile: 07809830068
Contact: Laura Bailey
Open: mon-fri 8am-7pm
Daisychain Nannies Ltd Edit
  Childcare agency specialised in finding nannies for families since 1990
Address: covering all of berkshire
Tel: 01494 482995 Mobile: 07872 841082
Contact: Nikki Smith
Open: 24 hours

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The business directory was last updated 30-Jan-2025