Cometics & Toiletries - Business directory - Cometics & Toiletries |
Cometics & Toiletries category - businesses in and around Maidenhead, Berkshire. Return to the Business directory.
The Body Shop | Edit | |
Cosmetics in the High Street Address: Unit 2, Nicholsons Walk Tel: 01628 634779 |
Virgin Vie at Home | Edit | |
For parties, 1 to 1s, fundrasing and to join us! Address: St Chad's Road, Cox Green, Maidenhead, SL6 3BA Location map (Google Maps - opens a new browser window) Tel: 07882 918715 Contact: Helen Discombe Open: Mon - Sun 9am - 8pm |
Maidenhead Avon | Edit | |
Avon brings you the best in cosmetics at the best prices. Address: Bridges Court, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 1AS Location map (Google Maps - opens a new browser window) Tel: 07526403699 Contact: Katy Blain Open: Mon - Sun 8am - 10pm |
Vintage Bath Ltd | Edit | |
Soap shop, bomb cosmetics key retailer Address: 38 Queen Street , Maidenhead, SL6 1HZ Location map (Google Maps - opens a new browser window) Tel: 07412258274 Contact: IWONA Open: MON-SAT 10-18 |
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