Plastering & Screeding - Business directory - Plastering & Screeding |
Plastering & Screeding category - businesses in and around Maidenhead, Berkshire. Return to the Business directory.
Ben Arnold Plastering | Edit | |
Free estimates. Clean, quality work guaranteed Address: 20 Bridge Court, Maidenhead, Berks, SL6 0AS Tel: 01628 675317 Fax: 01628 675317 Mobile: 07793292541 Contact: Ben Open: 8.30-6.30 |
Building perfection | Edit | |
100% Quality & service guaranteed. Free Quotations Address: Unit D, Gardner road, Maidenhead, SL6 7PR Location map (Google Maps - opens a new browser window) Tel: 0808 225 5466 Fax: 0845 468 1294 Mobile: 07850 705638 Contact: Lee or Darren Open: 10AM - 6PM |
Central Plastering | Edit | |
All Aspects of Plastering, Reliable/Efficient/Tidy, Interior/Exterior Address: Bath Road, Slough, SL1 6AB Location map (Google Maps - opens a new browser window) Tel: 07876 125944 Contact: Lee Open: Mon-Sun 8am-8pm |
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