Flooding extra

Maidenhead.net - News - Flooding extra


Maidenhead experiences worst flooding in 10 years
November 2000

This is a continuation of the main story.

Flood Warning

These photographs were taken on Thursday morning, 9 November, unless otherwise stated.

Ray Mead Road, flooded and closed. The flats on the right have an underground car park that's flooded.
Another view of the bridge.
Ray Mead Road.
Flood alert sign, showing Severe Flood Warning condition.
Compare this view with that of the photo below. The difference in level can be seen from the posts protecting the bridge arches.

Below: The bridge in Spring time when the water was at its normal level.

Flooding River Thames

Above: The flooding Thames on Tuesday night, 7 November. The photo shows a boat opposite the Thames Hotel - the water is lapping over the pavement, around 2-3 feet above its normal level. The line of lights in the background are on the road bridge.

The shot below shows the river in a normal state and is taken from roughly the same spot. You would need waders on to stand here on Thursday. You can see the water level well below the railings. The new flats on the right have an underground car park which is now flooded.

Happier times - the river in normal conditions

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This page last updated 9 November 2000