
Maidenhead.net - Eating & Drinking Guide - Hanks


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Hanks Pub/bar   Map ref: N
6 St Mary's Walk Tel: 01628 632207

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A small American style bar with loud music and plenty of 20-something drinkers swigging from trendy beer bottles.

Luisa Williams writes on 22 February 2002:

As I've mentioned before in other comments on this web site, I've worked in over 20 bars the in the area, Hanks is another one. At first impressions this is a lively pub offering a vibrant atmosphere to a wide age range, you get youngsters to middle aged folk and the theme is 'having a good time' . However its only after a few visits that you will find that it is very much a case if your face fits, and if it doesn't you will soon feel an outsider which is one of the reasons I was more than happy to leave. The bar menu is very good value for money and the burgers are FANTASTIC! Its an ideal place to have a party if you are planning on eating and packing the place out with your own crowd. If your having a one off visit to Maidenhead its a must-visit, but if your looking for a warmer welcome and a more genuine atmosphere, then the Hand and Flowers the place to go.

Photo taken March 2000

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This page last updated 23-Feb-02