Foot and Mouth - News

Monday 14 May 2001 - update

The foot and mouth disease outbreak eventually occurred on over 1000 farms in the UK and caused havoc and heartbreak as all herds from all confirmed cases were slaughtered, as well as herds close-by as a precaution. There were a few cases in Berkshire, but none near Maidenhead. Ockwells park has now reopened and dogs are allowed in the park on leads.

Original article:

Friday 9 March 2001

Whilst there have been no confirmed cases of foot and mouth disease in the area, precautions are being taken to prevent the spread of this virus which has now infected over 100 farms in the UK. Farms throughout the area are restricting movement through their land, and Ockwells Park, a large park with many facilities around 2 miles south of the town centre, has been completely closed.

The national situation is monitored at the MAFF web site.

A notice at the entrance to a farm in Waltham St Lawrence requesting that visitors disinfect their feet on entrance - if they really must visit the farm at all. The disinfectant and carpet to clean feet can be seen on the right.
A closed footpath bordering Ockwells Park.
Close up of the warning sign.
Ockwells Park - main entrance.
Sign on the gate - closed as a precautionary measure. The park borders two farms.
Another shot of the gate. thanks John Walsby for contributing the majority of these photographs. | © Copyright | Legal notice |
This page last updated 14 May 2001