Boulter's Lock - Photogrpahic tour - Boulter's Lock

Boulter's Lock

The lock itself is under the bridge on the left. Photo taken July 1997.

A bolter was a miller - hence this is "miller's lock." The hotel which you can see was converted from what used to be Ray Mill House; part of the mill. The hotel appears in the Eating & Drinking Guide.

In March 2002, Caroline Yeldham told us: "Boulting is the process of sifting the bran from the flour to produce white flour after milling, not actually part of milling. Unless this mill was producing white flour, perhaps for the London market, on a regular basis, I don't see why it would be called Boulter's Mill. Until recently, white bread was of higher prestige and cost than wholemeal, because of the labour and cost of boulting."

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This page last updated 7 October 2002